-----Original Message-----
From: Wolf Solkin [xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: November-03-15 7:53 PM
To: Walter Natynczyk
Dear General.....many thanks for your prompt and detailed reply. I was, as is evident,, unaware of the situations you described, and I am, accordingly, encouraged by it, especially if those other facilities are housed within a single structure , such as Ste. Anne's.
And yes, I would appreciate your having someone knowledgeable from VAC contact me re any further information not addressed in this regard....that should also serve to get me out of your hair, at least for the nonce.
Sent from my iPad
> On Nov 3, 2015, at 4:46 PM, Walter Natynczyk <Walter.Natynczykxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Wolf, thanks for your note and I can appreciate your concerns.
> The two-tier long-term care standards are in operation in all of the transferred hospitals that are currently being administered by the respective provinces.
> I have visited Perry Rideau, Sunnybrook, Deer Lodge in Winnipeg and the Broadmead Lodge in Victoria. In many of the facilities we support (and there are a total of 1500 care facilities coast to coast) we have a mix of your level of care and a community standard of care.
> If you wish, I will have someone from the Department give you an overview of the care support and answer any additional questions you may have.
> Respectfully,
>>>> Wolf Solkin <xxxxxxxxxx> 03/11/2015 3:50:44 PM >>>
> Dear General: the closer we get to April 1st, 2016, the more essential it is to be fully informed and properly prepared for that which is about to befall us immediately thereafter.
> The core issue underlying VAC's various post-transfer assurances, is
> that of maintaining the present high standards of treatment and care of the Veterans at Ste. Anne's Hospital,without diminution, disruption or degradation; and the tactic tailored to uphold that immutable condition is to be the proposed "two- tier" system of operation.
> The primary purpose of this letter is to ascertain whether there exists any established, agreed definition /description/delineation of such a set of standards, so as to render it possible to unambiguously discern and decide whether they are being respected or rejected. And, should that not be the case, to urgently request that such a document be quickly , yet thoroughly , prepared and promptly promulgated.
> I refer, as exemplars, to such issues as number and classifications of staff (i.e., doctors/nurses/orderlies) per number of patients, and on each shift (day, evening, night); number of baths/per patient/per week; excluded medications, if any; number of masso-therapy, foot care, zoo-therapy and various other special treatment sessions allowed per annum; time lapse allowed for replacement of eyeglasses, dentures, hearing aids and batteries; any limitations on physiotherapy, ergo therapy sessions; and so on, down a very long list of like elements.
> Without any definitive description and clarification of the otherwise very vague reference to "existing standards of care", the acutely necessary monitoring of the day-to-day operation of the Quebec-controlled treatment of Canada's vanishing Veterans at Ste. Anne's, will be both mute and moot, as will indubitably be any effort to implement the touted two-tiered concept, which appears to be at the very root of VAC's projected program for those Veterans still living out their declining days at Ste. Anne's.
> And, of course, this path of inquiry inevitably leads to my repetitive queries about the pertinence and effectiveness of VAC's projected "oversight" mechanism; representation from within the pertinent patient population; and assignment of a qualified VAC ombudsman, in situ.
> But all else must first emanate, ab initio, from a clear-cut depiction of every one of the major designated specific standards of service and care, which are here at stake.
> I would deeply appreciate the courtesy of your helpful reply.
> Respectfully,
> Wolf William Solkin.
> Sent from my iPad
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