Canadian Veterans Advocacy

Sunday, December 15, 2013

New announcement: Humbling Video of War Told Through the Eyes of a Soldier Wins National Prize

Please take 4 minutes and watch this short film from Australian soldier Tom Abood who shares his new gratitude for life, freedom, education and home. The video is not graphic and does not contain any violence. It does have a powerful message though. I'm sure a lot of our fans can relate to Tom whether through their own experience in war or the experiences of friends and family.

The short film is titled HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE which is an Anglo-Norman phrase that can be translated to "Shamed be he who thinks evil of it." The film was created by Tom Abood of Australia and was the Tropfest Australia 22 2013 Third Prize winner.

After watching this video, it was difficult to get back to work. Usually, I have music playing in the background even while watching videos. Once I heard the narrator begin talking, I paused my Christmas playlist and listened only to the video. Immediately after the video ended, I realized that many soldiers will not get to see their families this Christmas. As I constructed my playlist the day before, I was worried about what songs to pick. Which songs would be good, what songs I would get sick of and if my parents would agree with my taste. Little did I know how little all that matters.

I am now much more grateful I get to simply spend time with my family this Christmas. I'm grateful we will be able to share a meal together and exchange gifts. I'm grateful for all the things I've come to take for granted over the years. I'm sure Tom Abood hopes that the video does the same for you. If you feel the same way, choose a way to be grateful today. Make it a habit and be grateful everyday. I want to say thank you to all of the soldiers overseas. All of you are one more thing I'm not taking for granted anymore.

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