Canadian Veterans Advocacy

Monday, November 25, 2013

Equitas Awareness Seminar, November 6th- 2013 - Col. Michel Drapeau Ret

Equitas Awareness Seminar, November 6th- 2013 - Col. Michel Drapeau Ret

Greetings from Niagara. My Name is Michael L Blais CD, I am the president and founder of the Canadians Veterans Advocacy. First, permit me to thank Ministers' Fantino and Nicholson, Peter Stoffer, Sylvain Chicoinne, Mr Trudeau, Jim Karygianiss, Senator Dallaire and the Liberal Caucus for welcoming the CVA team and supportive veterans over the course of the week. We are grateful to have the opportunity to speak to the issues confronting our serving members, memorial cross recipients, wounded and injured veterans as well as participating with you in a variety of Remembrance Day services/events.

Many parliamentarians expressed an interest in attending the Equitas Awareness Seminar the Canadian Veterans Advocacy organized for the 6th of November but as a consequence of a House vote called very near the same time, were not able to attend. I would thank those that sent apology notes and assure you that I understand the nation's business is a priority to be embraced, not ignored. However, we anticipated something might occur to affect MP's attendance and recorded the entire event for such a contingency and of course, to engage and apprise Canadian veterans and the general public through the CVA Communications network.

Colonel Michel Drapeau consented to our request to provide an unbiased, understandable presentation about the Equitas Society and the quest they have embarked on on behalf of the wounded in respect to the the New Veterans Charter's Lump Sum Award provisions. I have placed Col Drapeaus clips at the head of the cue for your perusal as I know your time is valuable. The entire evening is below and in order. Sean Bruyea provides a magnificent presention on the New Veterans Charter and Laurie Hawn, Peter Stoffer and Jim Karygiannis spoke to their party's respective positions.

I would encourage you to watch the videos and should require any answers to queries, please feel free to contact us or arrange an appointment with myself and the Canadian Veterans Advocacy team when we are in Ottawa advocating on behalf of veterans.


Michael L Blais CD
President-Founder, Canadian Veterans Advocacy
905-357-3306 // 905-359-4297
Retired Colonel and esteemed barrister Michel Drapeau

Entire evening


The Canadian Veterans Advocacy Team.

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