Canadian Veterans Advocacy

Thursday, October 17, 2013

New announcement: PRESS RELEASE: Canadian Veterans Adovocacy - Throne Speech, 2013

OTTAWA. Today saw yet another Conservative Government Throne Speech filled with headlines without substance for Canadian most seriously wounded veterans. The theme "Security and Prosperity in an Uncertain World" is particularly poignant as the nation prepares for Remembrance Week and on November 11th, to honour the sacrifice of the fallen.

Lest we Forget as Remembrance Day approaches, that 150 Canadians died in Afghanistan under the Harper Government's stewardship of the War in Afghanistan.

Lest we forget that over fifteen hundred valiant Canadians have returned to our communities bereft of limbs, catastrophically wounded of mind and soul as this nation once more was blooded providing security in an Uncertain World.

Lest we forget the Sacred Obligation this nation has to those who stood, and stand on guard for thee.

"Canada's most seriously wounded veterans, definitively identified by Veterans Ombudsman Parent as the primary victims of the New Veterans Charter, can only be dismayed at the Throne Speech's lack of focus on the Veterans portfolio," said Michael L Blais CD, President and founder of the Canadian Veterans Advocacy. "Once again, veterans who have sacrificed the greatest will be abandoned. Once again, the nation's most seriously wounded warriors will be forsaken simply because the Harper Government has refused to embrace it's Sacred Obligation."

Where is the increased support for Canada's most seriously wounded identified by Veterans Ombudsman Parent's report under the enhanced Charter?

How can this government claim they have provided dignified burials for impoverished veterans when they, during the last legislative review, retained the same restrictive financial criteria resulting in a 67 percent denial rate of applicants? How many have been denied since?

Red tape? Closing of nine VAC district offices across the land, mass layoffs of dedicated civil servants who spent their careers catering to the special needs of war and peace shattered veterans, contracting out services to Service Canada, already ravaged by budget related cutbacks and incapable of responding to the need? Asking WW2 and Korean veterans to go to the website is not the answer, asking PTSD afflicted veterans to use a phone app is not the answer. Comprehensive service is.

The traditions of this nation are to be cherished and the inclusion of all veterans, who served in all eras, on the National War Memorial is an admirable move forward. Yet we must be mindful at all times of the sacrifice that the National War Memorial represents, that there must be equality for all veterans who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, the families and disabled veterans, an equality that does not exist as a direct consequence of the New Veterans Charter and the governments refusal to resolve the substantive issues.

One Veteran, One Standard

For additional information, contact...

Michael L Blais CD

Founder/President, Canadian Veterans Advocacy
6618 Harper Drive, Niagara Falls, Ont, Cda.
L2E 7K6 // 905-357-3306 // Cell 905-359-9247

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