Canadian Veterans Advocacy

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Canadian Veterans Advocacy: SITREP Sept 14th 2013

The Canadian Veterans Advocacy was created in 2010 specifically to restore the Sacred Obligation through legislative reform.

During the past two plus years , we have endeavored to establish positive relationships with the Government / Conservative Party of Canada, and Veterans Affairs Canada and as a formal stakeholder, have advocated on behalf of disenfranchised veterans ,their families and Memorial Cross recipients . We have also strived to attain the support of ALL opposition parties and, to some larger degree, have successfully engaged the NDP, the Liberal Party of Canada and of course, Elizabeth May, the Green Party of Canada.

The Canadian Veterans Advocacy is apolitical, our mission guided by the necessity of motivating support for reform and the recognition that only through legislative action will the Sacred Obligation be accorded to all veterans equally and without prejudice created through the New Veterans Charter. veterans may be aware that there have been changes on the political level with the appointment of Julian Faction to the minister's portfolio and , at the LPC level, Jim Karygiannis to the Veterans Affairs position. I would take this moment to compliment Steven Blaney and Sean Casey for seeing accessible and willing to discuss the fundamental issues. We're pleased to note Peter Stiffer to note long standing NDP Veterans Critic Peter Stoffer will continue to fight for veterans rights.

We have deferred meeting with Minister Fantino until he has been briefed on his new mandate but have been active on other levels, including conversation with many principles. I am including a letter from the new Liberal veterans critic. While our dialogue is preliminary, I am confident Mr Karygiannis will answer the patriots call this fall when patrolling season commences.

Michael L Blais
President/Founder, Canadian Veteran Advocacy

September 2013

Dear Friends,

On August 21, 2013, I was appointed as the Liberal Party of Canada Critic for Veterans Affairs by Justin Trudeau, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada.

I am very pleased to receive the appointment and look forward to fulfilling my new critic's responsibilities to the best of my ability. It will be an honour and privilege to advocate on behalf of veterans and their families and to hold the government to account in its treatment our veterans. These men and women have put their lives on the line for us and our way of life. We must ensure that when they come home, they can live their lives with dignity and respect.

Veterans Affairs Canada was established to provide services and benefits that respond to the needs of veterans and their families, in recognition of their services to Canada. Veterans Affairs Canada also works to keep alive, for all Canadians, the memory of our veterans' achievements and sacrifices.

I welcome the opportunity to work with you and your colleagues to help ensure a secure and dignified future for today's veterans and the veterans of tomorrow. To that end, I would like to meet with you in the near future, to discuss issues of concern and ways my colleagues in the Liberal Party of Canada and I, can best be of service.

I am looking forward to working with you as we move ahead and forge a stronger Canada. A Canada that looks after our veterans with the respect they deserve, never forgetting the debt we owe them.

Kindly contact my office by email at, by fax at 613-995-1612 or, by mail at Room 118, Justice Building, House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 (NO POSTAGE REQUIRED).

Should you have any questions with respect to this matter, I may be reached at 613-992-4501 .


Hon. Jim Karygiannis P.C., M.P.
Constituency Office
3850 Finch Ave East Suite 206
Scarborough Ontario
M1T 3T6
Tel: (416) 321 5454
fax: (416) 321 5456

The Canadian Veterans Advocacy Team.

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