Canadian Veterans Advocacy

Friday, March 29, 2013

New announcement: **OSI Ottawa - PARTICIPANTS NEEDED - Research Study INSOMNIA**

For Research Study

Many veterans experience sleep difficulties. Often, these difficulties start during military service and can be part of another diagnosis, like PTSD. However, sleep habits often develop that contribute to maintaining insomnia.

The purpose of this study is to compare two different methods to treat symptoms of insomnia among veterans with PTSD. Should you decide to participate in this study, you will be assigned on a random basis (i.e. flip of a coin) to:

a) A CBT for Insomnia group (CBTi); or
b) A Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction group (MBSR).

Both groups will run weekly at the Royal Ottawa OSI Clinic for a total of 8 weeks. You will be asked to complete a number of questionnaires about your symptoms of insomnia and other symptoms known to impact sleep (e.g. pain, anxiety) prior to the group, after completing the group, and at a 6-month follow-up. You will also be asked to complete sleep logs and, if applicable, meditation logs, and to wear an actiwatch 24 hours per day for one week prior to the group, for the duration of the group and for one week prior to the 6-month follow-up. The actiwatch is a device used to measure your level of physical activity, in order to provide objective measures of your sleep-wake cycle. The actiwatch is as small as a regular watch and is waterproof.

If interested, you will require a referral to the Royal Ottawa OSI Clinic through VAC and would become a client of the OSI Clinic for the duration of the study. There are several eligibility criteria that must be met in order to participate. For instance, you will be asked to temporarily stop any other individual or group therapy during the study (8 weeks) in order to ensure that the expected improvements in sleep are solely the result of the study group.

If you are interested in finding out more information about the study and eligibility criteria, or in participating, please contact the research coordinator (Erika Jansman-Hart) or research assistant (Kelly Christie), by phone or email.

Principal Investigator: Research Coordinator: Research Assistant:
Dr. Anik Gosselin Erika Jansman-Hart Kelly Christie
Ph: (613) 722-6521 x6292 Ph: (613) 722-6521 x6291 Ph: (613) 722-6521 x6782

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The Canadian Veterans Advocacy Team.

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