Lory Ann Reilly-DeCoste
Hello Friends,
My name is Cpl Lory Ann DeCoste. My spouse Cpl Blair DeCoste and I will be commencing a Made By A Veteran For A Veteran stained glass Canadian flag memorial keepsakes for families of Fallen Soldiers.
The concept is a stained glass Canadian flag approx 10 x 13 in size with additional glass attached to the art piece below the flag with the Fallen Soldiers name etched into the glass.
The flag can then be hung in a window to have light shine through or it can be resting in an easel on a mantel with a light shining behind it illuminating the Canadian flag and the Fallen Soldier's name.
I will be contacting local vendors in Kingston, Ontario to assist in fundraising for packaging and mailing costs however the glass and supplies will be absorbed by my spouse and I as our way of commemorating our fellow comrades who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
My intentions are to start with the most recent Fallen Soldier and create the commemorative piece to provide a level of comfort for their families and to then work from there backwards in time.
It will be a slow process that will require time to create each piece however, I can not think of any better way to pay it forward.
In the interim, I am traveling to Halifax on the 13th of Feb to support Dennis Manuge with the Sisip Ltd Law case and intend on reading my drafted letter to Justice Barnes if I am able to emotionally get through it.
Upon return, I will commence with a new website that our son Andre and our daughter Jennifer will develop in order for each Canadian flag to be photographed and posted on it once it has been completed. My hope is also to connect people together through this website whether it be the families of Fallen Soldiers, Veterans and the general public by way of seeing what sacrifices were made by our Fallen Soldiers.
I look forward shortly to begin this journey and I hope you will all share in it with my family to yours.
Cpl Lory DeCoste & Cpl Blair DeCoste
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