Canadian Veterans Advocacy

Saturday, September 8, 2018

New announcement: Canadian Veteran, much higher suicide rate

Did you know that Canadian Veterans have a much higher suicide rate than civilians? -

Over 30% of veterans report having difficulty adjusting back to normal life after service. -

Veterans reported chronic conditions, including arthritis (29%), depression (21%), anxiety (15%), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (14%), at higher prevalences than Canadians of comparable age and sex. -

These men and women put so much on the line to defend the freedoms we so freely enjoy.

They deserve our honour and support.

This week we have the honour of talking to one of Canada's best about some of the above issues. His name is Mike Blais, one of our vets. He is also the President and Founder of the Canadian Veterans Advocacy.

We hope you can join us for this importan conversation for our nation.


Topic: Canada's Veterans
Guest: Mike Blais, Canadian Veterans Advocacy,

We hope you can join us.

---> Vision at 9:30am EST (6:30am PST/7:30am MST/CST)

---> Daystar at 8:30pm (5:30pm PST/6:30pm MST/CST)

---> YES TV Edmonton and Calgary 9:00pm MST

---> YES TV Ontario 9:30pm EST

Daystar also **LIVE STREAMS** it. Daystar Canada @ 8:30 EST Live Stream -…/live-stream/

Once it airs on TV it will be posted on our site at so you can also watch it there.

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The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.