Canadian Veterans Advocacy

Monday, January 29, 2018

New announcement: CAV FB Live: VAC Assistance , CAF Medical Release and VIP

Canadian Veteran Advocacy FaceBook Live Episode No. 3

WED JAN 24th 21:00 EST (max 30 min)


[1] Introduction



b. Assessments

Main area of advocacy: 1. CAF Medical Release Exam 2. ResF, 3. VIP assessments and reassessments

Never a 100% guarantee in success when we intervene and service depends greatly on level of health.

Social Media

Main Web Page | Notre page internet

FaceBook Group:

FaceBook Page:

FaceBook Page FRANCHOPHONE: Groupe de défense des intérêts des anciens combattants canadiens

Information Repository | Repertoire d'information

Veterans Affairs Canada, CAF Services and Benefits | Services et avantages des FAC et anciens combattant Canada

We, the veterans, are here to support the soldiers of today and the veterans of tomorrow. Everything we do now, or don't do will affect these young men and women when they eventually do remove the uniform. Their well-being is paramount. This is the duty of the veteran.


Cell: 438-829-8133 text only


Canadian Veteran Advocacy FaceBook Live Episode No. 2

WED JAN 17th 21:00 EST (max 30 min) CAF Medical Release Exam

[1] Introduction

[2] Social Media

[3] My Advocacy with CAF, VAC and SISIP

[4] VAC 10 Commandments & Useful links

a. Drug Formulary

b. Benefits and Services - (POC)

c. Benefit Grid

d. Policies

e. Fact and Figures

[5] Brief overview of subjects

a. Recording conversations with VAC & CAF

b. VIP Denial

c. VAC Assistance Services

d. Role of CM

e. Medication

f. PTSD and consequential conditions

g. Conditions that give you dental

[6] Subject of the Day: CAF Medical Release Exam

Main area of advocacy: 1. CAF Medical Release Exam 2. ResF, 3. VIP assessments and reassessments

Never a 100% guarantee in success when we intervene and service depends greatly on level of health.

Social Media

Main Web Page | Notre page internet

FaceBook Group:

FaceBook Page:

FaceBook Page FRANCHOPHONE: Groupe de défense des intérêts des anciens combattants canadiens

Information Repository | Repertoire d'information

Veterans Affairs Canada, CAF Services and Benefits | Services et avantages des FAC et anciens combattant Canada

We, the veterans, are here to support the soldiers of today and the veterans of tomorrow. Everything we do now, or don't do will affect these young men and women when they eventually do remove the uniform. Their well-being is paramount. This is the duty of the veteran.


Cell: 438-829-8133 text only


Canadian Veteran Advocacy FaceBook Live Episode No. 1

JAN 5th 14:15 EST (max 30 min) *VAC Assistance Services*

[1] Introduction

[2] Social Media

[3] My Advocacy with CAF, VAC and SISIP

[4] Brief overview of subjects

a. Recording conversations with VAC

b. VIP Denial

c. CAF Medical Release Exam

d. Role of CM

e. Medication

f. PTSD and consequential conditions

g. Conditions that give you dental

[5] Subject of the Day: VAC Assistance Services

Main area of advocacy:

1. CAF Medical Release Exam

2. ResF

3. VIP assessments and reassessments

Never a 100% guarantee in success when we intervene and service depends greatly on level of health.

Social Media

Main Web Page | Notre page internet

FaceBook Group:

FaceBook Page:

FaceBook Page FRANCHOPHONE: Groupe de défense des intérêts des anciens combattants canadiens

Information Repository | Repertoire d'information

Veterans Affairs Canada, CAF Services and Benefits | Services et avantages des FAC et anciens combattant Canada


Cell: 438-829-8133 text only

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You can view the full announcement by following this link:

The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

New announcement: Veterans Independance Program

DYK? If you already have VIP, you could be entitled to a one time ground maintenance for example NATURAL DISASTER, SEVERE WEATHER STORM DAMAGE ETC.
For more info make sure to tune in

To unsubscribe from these announcements, login to the forum and uncheck "Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email." in your profile.

You can view the full announcement by following this link:

The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

New announcement: Dozens of vets shortchanged due to Veterans Affairs rounding error

"This is how the system is meant to work. The ombudsman brings this to our attention, we listen to veterans and we check the system," says Seamus O'Regan." First this is not how the system should works, VAC making errors like this. 2nd give credit to Dennis not OVO.
Dozens of vets shortchanged due to Veterans Affairs rounding error
New Brunswick vet flagged mistake to Veterans Ombudsman and now dozens of vets are getting $600 more a month

To unsubscribe from these announcements, login to the forum and uncheck "Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email." in your profile.

You can view the full announcement by following this link:

The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.

New announcement: Dozens of vets shortchanged due to Veterans Affairs rounding error

"This is how the system is meant to work. The ombudsman brings this to our attention, we listen to veterans and we check the system," says Seamus O'Regan." First this is not how the system should works, VAC making errors like this. 2nd give credit to Dennis not OVO.
Dozens of vets shortchanged due to Veterans Affairs rounding error
New Brunswick vet flagged mistake to Veterans Ombudsman and now dozens of vets are getting $600 more a month

To unsubscribe from these announcements, login to the forum and uncheck "Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email." in your profile.

You can view the full announcement by following this link:

The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.

New announcement: Dozens of vets shortchanged due to Veterans Affairs rounding error

"This is how the system is meant to work. The ombudsman brings this to our attention, we listen to veterans and we check the system," says Seamus O'Regan." First this is not how the system should works, VAC making errors like this. 2nd give credit to Dennis not OVO.
Dozens of vets shortchanged due to Veterans Affairs rounding error
New Brunswick vet flagged mistake to Veterans Ombudsman and now dozens of vets are getting $600 more a month

To unsubscribe from these announcements, login to the forum and uncheck "Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email." in your profile.

You can view the full announcement by following this link:

The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

New announcement: Dozens of vets shortchanged due to Veterans Affairs rounding error

"This is how the system is meant to work. The ombudsman brings this to our attention, we listen to veterans and we check the system," says Seamus O'Regan." First this is not how the system should works, VAC making errors like this. 2nd give credit to Dennis not OVO.
Dozens of vets shortchanged due to Veterans Affairs rounding error
New Brunswick vet flagged mistake to Veterans Ombudsman and now dozens of vets are getting $600 more a month

To unsubscribe from these announcements, login to the forum and uncheck "Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email." in your profile.

You can view the full announcement by following this link:

The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

New announcement: Canadian Veteran Advocacy FaceBook Live Episode No. 1 - VAC Assistance Services

Canadian Veteran Advocacy FaceBook Live Episode No. 1

JAN 5th 14:15 EST (max 30 min) VAC Assistance Services

Click Here: ​

[1] Introduction
[2] Social Media
[3] My Advocacy with CAF, VAC and SISIP
[4] Brief overview of subjects
a. Recording conversations with VAC
b. VIP Denial
c. CAF Medical Release Exam
d. Role of CM
e. Medication
f. PTSD and consequential conditions
g. Conditions that give you dental
[5] Subject of the Day: VAC Assistance Services

Main area of advocacy:
1. CAF Medical Release Exam
2. ResF
3. VIP assessments and reassessments

Never a 100% guarantee in success when we intervene and service depends greatly on level of health.

Social Media
Main Web Page | Notre page internet
FaceBook Group:
FaceBook Page:
FaceBook Page FRANCHOPHONE: Groupe de défense des intérêts des anciens combattants canadiens
Information Repository | Repertoire d'information
Veterans Affairs Canada, CAF Services and Benefits | Services et avantages des FAC et anciens combattant Canada

Cell: 438-829-8133 text only

To unsubscribe from these announcements, login to the forum and uncheck "Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email." in your profile.

You can view the full announcement by following this link:

The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.