Canadian Veterans Advocacy

Saturday, September 8, 2018

New announcement: Canadian Veteran, much higher suicide rate

Did you know that Canadian Veterans have a much higher suicide rate than civilians? -

Over 30% of veterans report having difficulty adjusting back to normal life after service. -

Veterans reported chronic conditions, including arthritis (29%), depression (21%), anxiety (15%), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (14%), at higher prevalences than Canadians of comparable age and sex. -

These men and women put so much on the line to defend the freedoms we so freely enjoy.

They deserve our honour and support.

This week we have the honour of talking to one of Canada's best about some of the above issues. His name is Mike Blais, one of our vets. He is also the President and Founder of the Canadian Veterans Advocacy.

We hope you can join us for this importan conversation for our nation.


Topic: Canada's Veterans
Guest: Mike Blais, Canadian Veterans Advocacy,

We hope you can join us.

---> Vision at 9:30am EST (6:30am PST/7:30am MST/CST)

---> Daystar at 8:30pm (5:30pm PST/6:30pm MST/CST)

---> YES TV Edmonton and Calgary 9:00pm MST

---> YES TV Ontario 9:30pm EST

Daystar also **LIVE STREAMS** it. Daystar Canada @ 8:30 EST Live Stream -…/live-stream/

Once it airs on TV it will be posted on our site at so you can also watch it there.

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The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

New announcement: April 1st 2018: Veterans Emergency Fund / Fonds d’urgence pour les veterans – Ca

April 1st 2018: Veterans Emergency Fund / Fonds d'urgence pour les veterans – Caregiver Recognition Benefit / Allocation de reconnaissance pour aidant

Veterans Emergency Fund

Issuing Authority: Director General, Policy and Research Division
Effective Date: April 1, 2018

Fonds d'urgence pour les vétérans

Autorité compétente : Directrice générale, Politique et recherche
Date d'entrée en vigueur : 1 avril 2018

Caregiver Recognition Benefit

Issuing Authority: Director General, Policy and Research Division
Effective Date: April 1, 2018

Overpayments – Caregiver Recognition Benefit

Issuing Authority: Director General, Policy and Research Division
Effective Date: April 1, 2018

Allocation de reconnaissance pour aidant

Autorité compétente : Directeur général, Politiques et Recherche
Date d'entrée en vigueur : 1 avril 2018

Trop-perçus – Allocation de reconnaissance pour aidant

Autorité compétente : Directrice générale, Politique et recherche
Date d'entrée en vigueur : 1 avril 2018

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The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.

Monday, March 5, 2018

New announcement: Lt (ret) Wolf Solkin on the Transfer of Ste Anne to the Prov of Quebec

Lt (ret) Wolf Solkin on the Transfer of Ste Anne to the Prov of Quebec

April 3rd Lt (ret) Solkin received his Quilt of Valor.

Please listen to Lt Solkin explain how Ste Anne is going down hill from its transfer to the provincial (Quebec)

Lt Solkin is an advocate for residents of Ste Anne for many years now. Please share and listen very carefully. Encourage Wolf in his advocacy by emailing him

Click on the link:

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The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.

Friday, February 16, 2018

New announcement: FOCUS GROUP - Quebec City, Winnipeg, Halifax Groupes de Discussions

FOCUS GROUP - Quebec City, Winnipeg, Halifax
Groupes de Discussions - Quebec City, Winnipeg, Halifax
(le français suit l'anglais)
Dear Stakeholder,
Veterans Affairs Canada is developing new print and online materials to help keep Veterans and their families informed about the Department's new services and benefits. As these products are being developed, VAC would like to ask for your assistance in engaging members of your organization to share their opinions at upcoming focus groups, to be held in Halifax, Winnipeg and Quebec City, beginning in late-February.
These focus groups will include up to 10 participants, mainly Canadian Veterans, but also some family members (spouses, children over 18) and caregivers, if possible. Participation in the focus groups is confidential and no personal details will be retained or shared.
Léger research firm is hosting the focus groups on behalf of VAC. Each session will be up to two hours. The locations being used for the sessions are accessible and free parking is available.
The results of these focus groups will become part of a public opinion research report. Veterans Affairs Canada is required to post the report to the Library and Archives Canada website within six months following the end of the focus group sessions.
I would be most grateful if you would share this opportunity with your membership in these cities.
Interested participants should contact Léger: Sylvie Dupuis, Director Qualitative Research, Email:, Telephone:
514-982-2464 (ext. 105) with any queries they may have or to find out more information or express interest in participating.
Madame, Monsieur,
Anciens Combattants Canada travaille à l'élaboration de documents imprimés et en ligne pour tenir les vétérans et leur famille au courant des nouveaux services et avantages offerts par le Ministère. Pendant que l'on procède à la mise au point de ces produits, nous vous demandons votre aide afin que vous mobilisiez les membres de votre organisation pour qu'ils expriment leur opinion lors des prochains groupes de discussions qui auront lieu à Halifax, à Winnipeg et à Québec à compter de la mi-février.
Ces groupes de discussion compteront un maximum de dix participants, principalement des vétérans canadiens, mais également certains proches (conjoints, enfants de plus de 18 ans) et des aidants, dans la mesure du possible. La participation aux groupes de discussion est confidentielle et aucun renseignement personnel ne sera conservé ou partagé.
La firme de recherche Léger tiendra les groupes de discussion au nom d'ACC. Chaque séance durera environ deux heures. Les lieux utilisés pour les séances sont accessibles et il y du stationnement gratuit.
Les résultats de ces groupes de discussions seront intégrés à un rapport de recherche sur l'opinion publique. Anciens Combattants Canada doit afficher le rapport sur le site Web de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada dans les six mois suivant la fin des séances des groupes de discussion.
Je vous saurais gré de communiquer cette occasion à vos membres qui résident dans ces villes.
Les personnes qui aimeraient participer doivent communiquer avec Léger:
Sylvie Dupuis, directrice de la recherche qualitative, par courriel à ou par téléphone au 514-982-2464 (poste 105) pour toute question, pour en savoir davantage ou pour manifester leur intérêt.

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The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.

Monday, January 29, 2018

New announcement: CAV FB Live: VAC Assistance , CAF Medical Release and VIP

Canadian Veteran Advocacy FaceBook Live Episode No. 3

WED JAN 24th 21:00 EST (max 30 min)


[1] Introduction



b. Assessments

Main area of advocacy: 1. CAF Medical Release Exam 2. ResF, 3. VIP assessments and reassessments

Never a 100% guarantee in success when we intervene and service depends greatly on level of health.

Social Media

Main Web Page | Notre page internet

FaceBook Group:

FaceBook Page:

FaceBook Page FRANCHOPHONE: Groupe de défense des intérêts des anciens combattants canadiens

Information Repository | Repertoire d'information

Veterans Affairs Canada, CAF Services and Benefits | Services et avantages des FAC et anciens combattant Canada

We, the veterans, are here to support the soldiers of today and the veterans of tomorrow. Everything we do now, or don't do will affect these young men and women when they eventually do remove the uniform. Their well-being is paramount. This is the duty of the veteran.


Cell: 438-829-8133 text only


Canadian Veteran Advocacy FaceBook Live Episode No. 2

WED JAN 17th 21:00 EST (max 30 min) CAF Medical Release Exam

[1] Introduction

[2] Social Media

[3] My Advocacy with CAF, VAC and SISIP

[4] VAC 10 Commandments & Useful links

a. Drug Formulary

b. Benefits and Services - (POC)

c. Benefit Grid

d. Policies

e. Fact and Figures

[5] Brief overview of subjects

a. Recording conversations with VAC & CAF

b. VIP Denial

c. VAC Assistance Services

d. Role of CM

e. Medication

f. PTSD and consequential conditions

g. Conditions that give you dental

[6] Subject of the Day: CAF Medical Release Exam

Main area of advocacy: 1. CAF Medical Release Exam 2. ResF, 3. VIP assessments and reassessments

Never a 100% guarantee in success when we intervene and service depends greatly on level of health.

Social Media

Main Web Page | Notre page internet

FaceBook Group:

FaceBook Page:

FaceBook Page FRANCHOPHONE: Groupe de défense des intérêts des anciens combattants canadiens

Information Repository | Repertoire d'information

Veterans Affairs Canada, CAF Services and Benefits | Services et avantages des FAC et anciens combattant Canada

We, the veterans, are here to support the soldiers of today and the veterans of tomorrow. Everything we do now, or don't do will affect these young men and women when they eventually do remove the uniform. Their well-being is paramount. This is the duty of the veteran.


Cell: 438-829-8133 text only


Canadian Veteran Advocacy FaceBook Live Episode No. 1

JAN 5th 14:15 EST (max 30 min) *VAC Assistance Services*

[1] Introduction

[2] Social Media

[3] My Advocacy with CAF, VAC and SISIP

[4] Brief overview of subjects

a. Recording conversations with VAC

b. VIP Denial

c. CAF Medical Release Exam

d. Role of CM

e. Medication

f. PTSD and consequential conditions

g. Conditions that give you dental

[5] Subject of the Day: VAC Assistance Services

Main area of advocacy:

1. CAF Medical Release Exam

2. ResF

3. VIP assessments and reassessments

Never a 100% guarantee in success when we intervene and service depends greatly on level of health.

Social Media

Main Web Page | Notre page internet

FaceBook Group:

FaceBook Page:

FaceBook Page FRANCHOPHONE: Groupe de défense des intérêts des anciens combattants canadiens

Information Repository | Repertoire d'information

Veterans Affairs Canada, CAF Services and Benefits | Services et avantages des FAC et anciens combattant Canada


Cell: 438-829-8133 text only

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The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

New announcement: Veterans Independance Program

DYK? If you already have VIP, you could be entitled to a one time ground maintenance for example NATURAL DISASTER, SEVERE WEATHER STORM DAMAGE ETC.
For more info make sure to tune in

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The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

New announcement: Dozens of vets shortchanged due to Veterans Affairs rounding error

"This is how the system is meant to work. The ombudsman brings this to our attention, we listen to veterans and we check the system," says Seamus O'Regan." First this is not how the system should works, VAC making errors like this. 2nd give credit to Dennis not OVO.
Dozens of vets shortchanged due to Veterans Affairs rounding error
New Brunswick vet flagged mistake to Veterans Ombudsman and now dozens of vets are getting $600 more a month

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You can view the full announcement by following this link:

The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.

New announcement: Dozens of vets shortchanged due to Veterans Affairs rounding error

"This is how the system is meant to work. The ombudsman brings this to our attention, we listen to veterans and we check the system," says Seamus O'Regan." First this is not how the system should works, VAC making errors like this. 2nd give credit to Dennis not OVO.
Dozens of vets shortchanged due to Veterans Affairs rounding error
New Brunswick vet flagged mistake to Veterans Ombudsman and now dozens of vets are getting $600 more a month

To unsubscribe from these announcements, login to the forum and uncheck "Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email." in your profile.

You can view the full announcement by following this link:

The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.

New announcement: Dozens of vets shortchanged due to Veterans Affairs rounding error

"This is how the system is meant to work. The ombudsman brings this to our attention, we listen to veterans and we check the system," says Seamus O'Regan." First this is not how the system should works, VAC making errors like this. 2nd give credit to Dennis not OVO.
Dozens of vets shortchanged due to Veterans Affairs rounding error
New Brunswick vet flagged mistake to Veterans Ombudsman and now dozens of vets are getting $600 more a month

To unsubscribe from these announcements, login to the forum and uncheck "Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email." in your profile.

You can view the full announcement by following this link:

The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

New announcement: Dozens of vets shortchanged due to Veterans Affairs rounding error

"This is how the system is meant to work. The ombudsman brings this to our attention, we listen to veterans and we check the system," says Seamus O'Regan." First this is not how the system should works, VAC making errors like this. 2nd give credit to Dennis not OVO.
Dozens of vets shortchanged due to Veterans Affairs rounding error
New Brunswick vet flagged mistake to Veterans Ombudsman and now dozens of vets are getting $600 more a month

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You can view the full announcement by following this link:

The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

New announcement: Canadian Veteran Advocacy FaceBook Live Episode No. 1 - VAC Assistance Services

Canadian Veteran Advocacy FaceBook Live Episode No. 1

JAN 5th 14:15 EST (max 30 min) VAC Assistance Services

Click Here: ​

[1] Introduction
[2] Social Media
[3] My Advocacy with CAF, VAC and SISIP
[4] Brief overview of subjects
a. Recording conversations with VAC
b. VIP Denial
c. CAF Medical Release Exam
d. Role of CM
e. Medication
f. PTSD and consequential conditions
g. Conditions that give you dental
[5] Subject of the Day: VAC Assistance Services

Main area of advocacy:
1. CAF Medical Release Exam
2. ResF
3. VIP assessments and reassessments

Never a 100% guarantee in success when we intervene and service depends greatly on level of health.

Social Media
Main Web Page | Notre page internet
FaceBook Group:
FaceBook Page:
FaceBook Page FRANCHOPHONE: Groupe de défense des intérêts des anciens combattants canadiens
Information Repository | Repertoire d'information
Veterans Affairs Canada, CAF Services and Benefits | Services et avantages des FAC et anciens combattant Canada

Cell: 438-829-8133 text only

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You can view the full announcement by following this link:

The The Canadian Veterans Advocacy - One Veteran, One Standard Team.